| 1. | His last words still linger in our ears . 他的临终嘱咐仍萦绕在我们耳际。
| 2. | He has said the last word on the matter . 他对于这一问题提出了决定性意见。
| 3. | These last words roused me . 听了最后一句话,我精神振作了。
| 4. | Sir. basil was composing his last words . 巴兹尔爵士字斟句酌地说出最后一句话。
| 5. | The last words produced a burst of handclapping . 最后的这句话博得一阵热烈的掌声。
| 6. | I have said my last word -- take it or leave it . 我的意见已经说过了听不听请便。
| 7. | I hope that is not your last word on the subject . 我希望这不是你对该问题的最后决定。
| 8. | These last words were said without a trace of hesitation . 说这最后几句时他不口吃了。
| 9. | Copernicus represents the last word in refinement . 哥白尼卫星采用了当时最先进的设计。
| 10. | Tell me every last word . 把每句话一五一十告诉我。